
I am a technology and computers enthusiast in general, and a software enthusiast in particular. I simply enjoy coding... what can I say! Other than code, I love exploring different software and PC applications. When family, friends and acquaintances find out I am a computer enthusiast, they usually assume that I am also a big gamer. The opposite is true as I have haven't played any games of my own in years.

So, in other words, l eat, drink, breath and sleep with computers deeply entrenched in my blood stream.

geek | /gi:k/ | noun informal
  • an unfashionable or socially inept person.
    [ usu. with modifier ] a knowledgeable digital-technology expert or obsessive enthusiast (a term of pride as self-reference,but often used disparagingly by others): a computer geek.
  • a carnival performer who performs wild or disgusting acts.
  • Well, I may at times be unfashionable at home, but I'm definitely not socially inept. You can blame the travesty that is The Big Bang Theory for the majority of people thinking geeks are all socially inept (and, apparently, the dictionary — way to go, dictionary).

    But knowledgeable? Check! An obsessive enthusiast? Check! Computer geek? Check, check!

    I'm knowledgeable about and obsessed with the same things typically. Makes sense, right?

    I watch a lot of anime. I read a lot of graphic novels. I'm starting to teach myself CSS and Photoshop just because I love learning new things; I think it's fun.

    I'm a smart smartass. I'm a grammar Nazi. The worst kind. So much so that I almost feel bad for ripping you to shreds for using the wrong form of "your" on Twitter. Except I don't. At all. And I will forever argue with you about the Oxford comma's importance.

    I grew up with computers and technology gadgets. I even taught myself HTML when I was 12 years-old by curiously inspecting other websites before making my own (over and over again). But, when I was even younger... I lived in the type of household where I used the computer so much to play on it and chat in MSN chat rooms, that my mother would password protect the PC and try to limit my time on it because I was, well, a little bit obsessed :-)

    So, then what happened? You guessed it... I would get around the password protection so I could play in the middle of the night. My parents were furious, but also a little impressed. I actually saw it more like an opportunity to extend my computer skills rather than a way to upset my parents.

    The first real computer skill I remember learning was working with Tor. When I was 13. I mean, come on — the Hidden Web — how can you not want to explore that world at that age?

    So, in other words, l now eat, drink, breath and sleep with computers deeply entrenched in my blood stream. Though, I think my mother blames that for how I turned out :-). But I wouldn't have it any other way.